Household and Commercial Photovoltaic Solution
Powerway multi-functional photovoltaic shelter is a highly pre-assembled multi-functional photovoltaic system suitable for the roof photovoltaic power generation in urban areas. It provides the continuous power supply while fully utilizing the original site and having basic functions of shelter from wind and rain. A variety of rooftop arrangements meet with various needs. Solar modules and mounting structures absorb the heat for the rooftop, thus effectively creating a cool environment. The Powerway multi-function system has become one of the best choices for the household and commercial photovoltaic power plant.
Multi-functional photovoltaic shelter
Commercial and Household

High solar conversion rate scheme to increase generating revenuea
effectively creating a cool environment
Rational use of site space

Commercial photovoltaic carport
Moving Solar Pergola (equipped with movable wheels)
The carport provides the continuous power supply while fully utilizing the original site and having basic functions of shelter from wind and rain. A variety of parking lot arrangements meet with various needs, horizontally extension available. Solar modules and mounting structures absorb the heat for cars, thus protecting cars and effectively creating a cool environment.
The sunshade provides the continuous power supply while fully utilizing the original site and having basic functions of shelter from wind and rain. A variety of rooftop arrangements meet with various needs. Solar modules and mounting structures absorb the heat for the rooftop, thus effectively creating a cool environment..
Key points of design
Optimization of home and
commercial market details